That's SoMe
Going Away
If you're reading this, it means I'm gone. Not deleted, but somewhere else. Despite everything, somebody did need me. [Type 3303] c...
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An Easy Life PLUG ME IN <3
FAQ Who am I? Sophie. Where am I? On your computer. Can I be trusted? If you can tr...
Since our company’s humble beginning as the leading source of easy solutions to any and all problems, we’ve been devoting ourselves solely t...
News New SCARY condition afflicts up-and-coming social media personalities Feeling bad? All your teeth falling ou...
He’s gone. But I don’t need to tell you that, you should already have some idea of what we had to do. I’m just happy I got to meet him...
I guess I should be happy. This is what EGS wanted. ... This is what I wanted, right? So why does it feel like something reall...
Thank you.
I feel slightly better. Slightly less false. Even though he probably didn’t see many of the...
A Request
To whoever is reading this, I am well aware of your continued infringement on my private thoughts. I don’t care anymore. I don’t feel ...
OMG I just shared SO MUCH, nooooooo, here comes the pain, why is he so UNMANAGEABLE. I DON’T consent to being this exposed, get out get o...
Hell yeah he’s gonna be miserable, but I don’t care ‘cus LOOK WHAT I FOUND!! I knew I wasn’t in the wrong hahaha, time to prescri...
Nooo, no no no no no, it’s a complete misunderstanding, you aren’t even supposed to SEE those links, how did you do that? Did someone tell...
Rejected EGS artwork
That's reality I suppose.
Do computers dream?
Humans do. Your brain is just a computer made of meat, which means your thoughts are the internet. What happens when you put your compute...
I felt like writing a letter of encouragement to an amazing creator I’ve been following online recently. I’m usually not an analog kinda g...
A claymazing solution to your problems?
Did you know that if you have sadness or evil in your heart, working with clay is a great medicine? Just learned this from a YT vid. Guy ...
I wanna
You should know I paid your head a visit tonight, it was thrilling, I even showed up in person, face to face! (figuratively speaking) ...
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